Tuesday 11 June 2013

Learn how to budget and cut costs effectively

Many people often find it hard to save money. This may be because they are just spendthrift or just that they spend the money on debts or bills that can otherwise be avoided. It is therefore necessary to know how to budget and save money. Budgeting does not necessarily mean that you write down how you are going to spend money but rather planning on what is important at the moment. This means that you need to track down your spending habits and cut down on areas that result in unnecessary money wastage.

Learn not to live beyond your means

There are many ways that people often spend money that could have otherwise been avoided. Credit balance is one example. If you keep on not paying off your balance on time, it results in getting charged high interest rate that will eat into your budget. This money could have been used on paying other important bills or just saving it for later use.

You also do not need to live beyond your means knowing that you have other important bills that will be foregone. You do not need to buy that fancy latest phone that will only result in you paying a lot of money just to keep using it. If you do not call much, an alternative can be to get a prepaid phone instead of signing up for an expensive contract then failing to use all your minutes. Another way that people do not realize is by buying goods that have a brand-name. They are always much more expensive that other goods of the same type even though their quality is pretty much the same. 

You also do not need to subscribe to the premium cable TV channels if you rarely watch TV or would rather rent DVDs. This also goes for gym membership or a club membership. Many people often join a gym mainly because they were coerced to join the gym by a friend or a workmate. What you need to do when budgeting is only including things that you would actually use. And instead of joining a gym, you can instead work out at home. You probably will not use all the equipment that is at the gym.

How to cut costs while travelling

You probably think that travelling is not a huge spending area while in fact; it can really eat into your income. Be wise when it comes to travelling. If you choose to travel when everybody wants to travel, be sure that the prices will be sky high. Instead, choose to travel during of-peak season as it can really save you a lot of money. You can also book your airline ticket during the last minute. Though it is risky, you can get a better deal since airlines slash prices at the end of booking so as to fill up the remaining spaces. Cars also eat deep into your budget. If you thinks that regular car maintenances is expensive, wait till it starts breaking down then you will know what expensive is. 

You also do not need to buy premium fuel which is in most cases expensive if regular works just fine for your car. You can also opt to take the bus once in a while as it can save some money. If you are planning on buying a car, you do need to buy a new car but instead go for a second hand car. There are many decent second hand cars out there that are very budget friendly.

Housing is sometimes very expensive if you are on a tight budget. You do not need to rent a whole house to yourself if you can share it with someone else. This will result in you only paying half the rent. Though your privacy is decreased, you will save more money and not end up in huge debts.

Cut costs on energy by following a few tips

While you will save on the environment, you will also get to save yourself a lot of money. Putting appliances in standby mode still uses electricity. This will accumulate over a period of time resulting in money being wasted. Instead, unplug your appliances from the socket. During vacations, you can even go to the extent of turning of the main switch just to make sure that nothing is still powered on in the house.

Budgeting and saving money always goes a long way. If you accumulate all the money saved from doing little things, you will find that in the end you are able to afford a few luxuries. It is also a good idea to get into the habit of saving money. You can save on baby formula by using Enfamil coupons today. It may come in handy when you really need cash and do not want to borrow.

Thursday 22 November 2012

How to bond with your baby

Bonding is an essential process, for both baby and parent. Luckily, bonding is very easy, and it comes as second nature to most moms (and dads!) Bonding is a way to get to know your child, and have your child get to know you. 

1)      Feeding: Whether you breastfeed or bottle feed, this is a great time to bond with your baby. When feeding in a calm and comfortable environment (soft music or no noise at all) your baby will not only have their needs met, but will feel calm and secure.  

2)      Touch: Some experts actually recommend that you gently massage your baby, but your touch is what is important here. Skin-to-skin contact will help your baby understand who you are and will help instill the trust and love that will last a lifetime.  

3)      Use Your Voice: your baby has heard your voice all through your pregnancy. Talk softly to your baby while they’re eating, bathing, or just when you’re holding them. You can even sing a lullaby. 

4)      Learn Your baby’s cries: Your baby has different cries for every need: hungry, wet, tired, pain, or just plain boredom. You will learn these different cries over time and will be able to know what your child needs. 

5)      Attend to your baby’s needs: Your baby will learn to trust you when they know they can count on you. Raising a secure and happy child means attending to their needs, like hunger and diaper changes. 

6)      Co-Sleeping: This has raised some controversy, but some experts recommend co-sleeping as a way to bond with your child. Co-sleeping is the method of your baby sleeping in the same room with you and your husband (although not in the same bed.) This is obviously something that you and your other half must discuss together.  Learn how to get enough nutrition as a new mom here.

7)      Eye-to-eye contact: Making eye-to-eye contact with your baby can provide an entirely different type of communication at close range. Smiling and looking into your baby’s eyes will give them a sense that everything is ok. 

8)      Don’t Forget Dad:It’s just as important for dad to bond with baby as it is for moms. Dad can do just about everything mom can do (except breastfeed, and even that can be done with the help of a pump.) A secure and happy family unit is one of the best gifts you can give your child, and when dad is fully involved, you have the makings of the perfect family. 

9)      Hold your Baby: There are those that think rocking and holding your baby will spoil them; nothing could be further from the truth. Holding your baby will help them feel secure. They will grow up to be well-adjusted, confident, and emphatic adults. 

Remember that bonding does not happen overnight. It is a process that can take months. Don’t try to be the perfect parent. You will make mistakes. Learn from them and move on. Make your child your number one priority and they will reward you by becoming productive members of society. Learn how to choose between breastfeeding or formula feeding your baby here now.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Why do Kittens do What They Do?

If you have a new kitten, you’re probably still getting used to all of the accessories that go along with cat ownership, like food bowls, cat treats, and of course the litter box (hopefully you have a supply of cat coupons on hand.) You’re also probably wondering why your kitten is doing all of the things she’s doing. Here’s a look at some kitten behavior and the reasons behind it. 

Why do Kittens claw so much?
Simply put, kittens claw so much because they do pretty much everything in excess! All of their waking hours are spent doing some sort of activity. They are very active and reactive. While it may seem that there is no rhyme or reason for the clawing, there is actually a purpose behind it. They mark their territory using a combination of visual marks left by their scratching (on the couch, the chair, and the drapes among other things.) The glands in their footpads have a scent that also helps them mark their territory. Some experts believe that clawing also helps kittens reduce frustration and stress. Kittens have special nerve cells around their nails that make them sensitive to pressure. This makes clawing a pleasurable experience for them, much to the chagrin of their owners. Clawing also helps kittens sharpen their nails and remove the outer dead nail. Scratching posts can help redirect your kitten away from your furniture and drapes; scent it with catnip and place it in a central area. 

Learn more more about cat behavior from an expert

Why do Kittens Knead?
Kneading behavior begins when kittens are nursing from their mother. They push against her belly, on either side of the nipple, alternating feet to encourage the let down of her milk.  Kittens retain this behavior into adulthood as a response to pleasure such as being stroked. It may not feel very good when your kitten is kneading on your tummy, but take it as a compliment. She trusts you and is content. If you want to save money on products by Tidy Cats you can use tidy cats coupons to start saving.

Why do Kittens Bite?

Kittens play with people as if they were other kittens. They chase, wrestle with and bite humans just as they do with one another. In some cases, a kitten may bite as an objection to the way she’s being handled and is doing her best to put an end to the human behavior. Bites don’t generally occur out of the blue; they happen when playing with your kitten or patting them for a prolonged period of time. Try to assess your kitten’s body language before interacting with her. If her tail is upright and she’s purring, then patting will be enjoyed by both parties. If however, her tail is twitching and she’s in an energized mood, it’s probably best not to touch her. As you and your kitten become more comfortable with each other, you’ll recognize the signs of what type of mood she’s in, and whether she wants to play or be left alone.